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Starter For Home Made Yogurt, Bolgari, 7 Sachets

Yogurt with a consistent and smooth coagulum, not a grainy texture, aroma – typical, lactic acid, with a fine flavour of sourness and a mild finish.
EAN Code: 3800223100511
Package Quantity: 7 sachets
Origin: Bulgaria
Ingredients: view description
Shipping Weight: 0.050 kg
- Original Bulgarian product
- Contains Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus
- One sachet is enough for 3 liters of milk
- GMO Free, Preservatives Free, Coloring agents Free

With a help of starter cultures "Bolgari" you can easily prepare at home delicious and useful homemade sour milk and probiotic yogurt!

One pack of starter cultures is enough to make from 1 to 3 litres of the product with a consummate taste of homemade sour milk, free of additives and preservatives. Products made by the starter cultures "Bolgari" possess fine lactic-acid aroma, consistent and smooth coagulum, lower post acidification and a lot of useful properties for the gastrointestinal tract.

The final products "Bolgari" contain living lactic-acid bacterial strains of types Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophillus, Lactobacillus gasseri, Lactobacilus rhamnosus, that sustain the recovery of the useful microflora in the gastrointestinal tract and the normal digestive function.

The useful bacteria in the sour milk contribute to stronger immunity by excretion of immune-activating enzymes, lower blood cholesterol level and have a range of useful effects on the human body such as: clear the organism from slags, prevent the development of saprogenic processes in the body, regulate the bowel habits, improve the digestion of lactose, enhance the recovery in digestive disorders as colitis, diarrhea and constipation, accelerate the recovery.

Starter cultures Bolgari:

- add excellent eating and olfactory qualities to the products
- have probiotic effect
- have definite antimicrobial characteristics due to the used strains

Starter for home-made sour milk yogurt:

Sour milk with a consistent and smooth coagulum, not a grainy texture, aroma – typical, lactic acid, with a fine flavour of sourness and a mild finish.


Content of one sachet:
not less than 108 of living freeze-dried cells of lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus, isolated in ecologically clean regions. Free of genetically modified ingredients, preservatives, dyes.

Instructions for use:

Content of one sachet add to 1 - 3 litres of boiled and then cooled to 440С milk. Stir until dissolved, then pour into a suitable container. Fermentation is carried out at a temperature of 42-44С, for 5-6 hours, without stirring. After expiry of time, cool the sour milk to 20C (room temperature), then stored in a refrigerator at +2 to +6С.

If you have an yogurt maker read the manufacturer's instructions.


with one sachet can be made up to 3 litres of milk.

Packing: 7 sachets

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